Wednesday, May 24, 2023

 Induction cooking -- What is it?

In recent months, you might have run across an article in the news such as this:

Now, just to put your minds at ease, we know of no pending legislation that attempts to outlaw gas ranges, so if gas is your fuel preference when it comes to cooking, with the pinpoint flame control and  instant cool-down, you can go ahead and buy that new gas stove with confidence!

But, perhaps you are concerned about the future of gas ranges.  Or, perhaps you currently own an traditional electric range, but would like to have the ability to instantly adjust the burner heat that only gas cooktops have offered in the past.

Well, there is a solution,  That solution is "Induction cooking".

No doubt by now you've at least heard about, or read an article about, induction electric ranges, You may know someone who has purchased an induction range.  Maybe you have friends or family in Europe, where induction technology has been the norm for decades

So, just what is induction cooking?   This is the best explanation I could find, from an article on Whirlpool's website:

"Induction cooking is a method of cooking that uses a copper coil underneath the cooking surface to generate electromagnetic energy. This energy transfers directly to your cookware to make it hot enough to cook food."

As I said, I think that's a great explanation of the science.  But let's get practical -- what does this do for me, in my kitchen? Just how will an induction range benefit me in my kitchen?

Again, I quote from Whirlpool's article:



Induction cooking allows for fast cooking because the energy transfers directly to the cookware, so little to no hear or energy is lost between the cooking surface and your food.  This means you can boil water or sear food quickly.


Heat adjustments on an induction cooktop or range happen instantly, so you can heat or cool down your pot or pan quickly.

Induction vs. electric cooktops 

While electric and induction cooktops may look the same, they transfer heat differently. Electric cooktops radiate heat from coils beneath the cooking surface through to the bottom of the cookware sitting on top. Induction cooktops transfer energy to create heat directly within a pot or pan.


Basically, with an induction range you get the pinpoint control of gas - but with so much more power!  Because the cooking vessel itself becomes the heat source, the energy is transferred much more efficiently. Pots of water boil several times faster than an old gas range!  The surface doesn't get hot as it does on traditional electric ranges, so cleanup is easier, as spillovers don't burn on the cooking surface.  The cooking surface is cool within seconds of turning off the stove, so the range is much more kid-friendly!

So, what are the downsides?   Well, the biggest obstacle I hear when customers ask me about this relatively new technology involves their cooking pans.  Yes... your pan has to be able to hold a magnet - either it does, or it doesn't.  Cast iron, and many modern cookware sets, work fine. If you have access to a magnet at home, stick the magnet on the side of your cooking utensil.  If the magnet stays put, you're good to go!

If your pans are not magnetic, it's easy and not that expensive to replace them. Two years ago my wife and I purchased an induction range.  It's easy to spend a lot of money on kitchen gadgets, but she was able to find a full set of useful, induction-ready pans for under $200.

What are the downsides?  First, you will pay more for an induction top range than a traditional model, (but the price will be a LOT less than converting a kitchen from electric to gas!)  Because interest in induction cooking has spiked since the potential pitfalls of gas have been in the news, you may run into a short-term availability issue. Also, the electromagnetic waves may affect people with pacemakers - check with a medical professional to determine whether you can use an induction cooktop.

However, if you cook as a hobby, or even if you cook because you "have to", I think you'll find induction cooking pretty amazing!!

Before signing off, I'd just like to post one more article that gives a balanced looks at induction cooking, including some reasons why this technology hasn't taken off in the U.S. the way it has in other parts of the world.

If you have any questions on induction (or anything else appliance related for that matter!) please reach out to us, either on this website, or by contacting any of our ten locations.


Thursday, May 18, 2023


Manny’s Kitchen Talk Blog for 5-17

You’re about to see a big increase in advertising in the coming weeks for major appliances, as promotions centered around Memorial Day and then Independence Day begin.  I get asked three questions frequently when holiday promos start: 

  1.   Is this really a sale?

  2.   How long will I have to wait for my product to be delivered?

  3.   If everyone’s having a sale, why should I buy from Manny’s?

I’d like to address these questions today.

Is this really a sale?

Back in the last millennium, well, back in the 90’s, there was an (now defunct) appliance retailer whose advertising would always proclaim “One Year Price Guarantee!”.  You might notice that no one proclaims price guarantees after a sale anymore.  

Why is that?  The simple answer is that manufacturers choose which items they wish to promote and discount, through price reductions to retailers.  In effect, these manufacturers are putting their products “on sale” to the retailers!   Specific items, and sometimes only in specific colors, are discounted to retailers for specific periods of time.  These discounts are then passed on from a retailer like Manny’s to you, the customer.  Most of these discounts are timed to coincide with holiday weekends.  Some of these discounts, especially in higher priced categories like refrigerators and upper-end laundry, can amount to hundreds of dollars!

So, if the price tag on a product in our store that you like says the sale price ends on, for example, June 7, that means exactly that.  Once these manufacturer discounts go away, the sale price will return to its original price.

How long will I have to wait for my product to be delivered?

At the worst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, it was not at all unusual for a customer to have to wait months for certain products to become available for delivery.  And no, the appliance industry wasn’t the only industry to suffer from the well-publicized supply chain issues that occurred between mid-2020 well into 2022.

I’m ecstatic to say that those severe supply issues are mercifully behind us!  Availability of appliances has been improving steadily for almost a year now.  While selection isn’t quite at pre-Covid levels, most models are now available.  In most cases, Manny's can deliver these appliances in 2-3 business days!  And, if a particular appliance you like is out of stock, Manny’s can usually give you a back-in-stock date that is reliable. 

If everyone’s having a sale, why should I buy from Manny’s?

Here are three reasons:

  • I already mentioned one of the big reasons for buying from us in the last section:  we can deliver most in-stock merchandise within 2-3 business days  The long waits of the Covid-19 era are over
  • What about exclusive rebates?  As inventory levels return to normal, appliance manufacturers are again offering rebate incentives.  While all stores, including the “Big Box’ retailers, offer rebates, we have access to rebates that are NOT available at Home Depot, Lowes, etc.  In many cases Manny’s can offer these exclusive rebates on laundry sets, and on appliance packages of three or more pieces (ask any of our salespeople for specifics.)
  • We know that purchasing a major appliance is an important purchase for you and everyone in your family. Information and choices can be overwhelming at first, and there is no shortage of opinions, reviews, and ratings online.  With Manny’s, you will be working with a locally owned company with knowledgeable and well-trained professionals, from your salesperson to the delivery team that brings your brand-new appliance into your home. We appreciate your trust in us when you give us your business, and we want to keep you as a customer next time you need something!

Thanks for reading!  Next week I’d like to discuss some of the more popular product trends and changes.  See you then!

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Welcome to a new feature on our website,  “Kitchen Talk!”

This will be an ongoing series, with updates every one-two weeks. I will be discussing a variety of subjects, including new product highlights, buying advice and suggestions, trends in the industry, and help with kitchen planning.  Today I’ll talk about air conditioning, but first I’d like to mention some of the reasons you should be thinking about buying at Manny’s. 

So… let’s start there and jump right in!

Why buy at Manny’s??

I can think of lots of reasons, and I’ll explore some of these in more detail in later blogs.  For now, let me list a few:

** Our price and selection is equal to if not better than the “big box” stores.

** Many of our sales staff and support teams have literally decades of experience in the appliance industry.

**  We are locally owned and operated.  

**  We can usually deliver product in 2-3 business days.

**  We offer installation and repair services, giving you a “one stop” shopping experience whenever possible.

** We often have rebates and other monetary incentives that the big chains do not offer.  (I’ll talk more about this next week, when Memorial Day promos begin.)

In other words, our aim is to give our customers service, advice, and support that exceeds our competition!

How to choose the right air conditioner

A couple of weeks ago we all got a taste of what summer heat will be like, and for a lot of people that meant thinking about air conditioning.  Let me offer some general suggestions to assist you in choosing the right unit for your home.

Factors to consider are:

 Where is the unit going?  

**The most popular type of unit is the traditional window unit, which is designed to fit into a double-hung window with expandable flaps to fill the window space.  Other types of units include:

** Portable units that wheel around and duct hot air and humidity out of the room with a hose that is roughly the size of a dryer vent.

** Through-the-wall units that can be mounted into “sleeves” built into a wall in a person’s home.  These are very common in condo and apartment complexes.

**  Window units with a “slide-out chassis”.  These units are usually larger BTU units that can be adapted for through-the-wall installation.

What size outlet do I need?

Nowadays most air conditioners up to 15,000 BTU can run on a standard 15 amp circuit (the type of plug you use for lamps, televisions, etc.)  Larger units require larger amp circuits.  Check your plug type before buying!

How quiet will my unit be?

It’s good to remember that an air conditioner WILL make noise!  As a general rule, air conditioners get relatively quieter as the price goes up, even just a little bit!  Decibel ratings for air conditioners are not standardized (such as with dishwashers, for example), so manufacturer claims for noise - or lack thereof - should be taken as guidelines only. 

What size unit should I get??

         This is THE big question for most people!!  To start, here’s a standard sizing chart that              gives the recommended BTU based on room size:

This chart, and hundreds like this can be found online, and is a great place to start.  Also, keep in mind that “bigger is not necessarily better!”  Too large a unit will cool the room down too quickly, and not operate long enough to properly remove humidity.

Also, these guidelines are meant to apply to a single room!  

If you are trying to cool multiple rooms or floors, the sizing gets trickier.Ideally, you should consider buying a separate air conditioner for each space in your home.  For example, I have four units in the Ranch that I own:  three small units for each bedroom, and one larger unit for the kitchen/dining room/living room.   Cold air doesn’t “travel” well, as it tends to sink as it moves away from the air conditioner.   If you have no choice but to use one large unit for multiple rooms, ceiling and stand-up fans help move the cold air into the farther rooms.  You want to keep the cool air moving!

At Manny’s, we offer a selection of brands in all sizes, from 5,000 BTU units designed for small bedrooms, to 32,000 BTU units for offices and large areas. Our sales staff will be happy to answer any specific questions or concerns you might have, and we will do our best to help you choose the right unit for you.

Well, that’s it for this week!  Thanks for reading, and thank you for browsing our website and (hopefully!) considering us for your next major appliance or air conditioner purchase!